Mercurialis annua, 1 of 8

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Mercurialis annua
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Annual Mercury

Eu-dicots (True dicotyledons)
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Near Plympton, Plymouth
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Darren Obbard points out that this is an unusual plant for the UK:

"Bizarrely, this individual is monoecious (hermaphrodite) suggesting it is from the polyploid lineage (Mercurialis ambigua L.fils. -- or sub.sp. ambigua, depending on classification) - This most definitely should not be growing in the UK as it is native to Iberia/Morocco!"

(British plants would normally be either male or female individually.)

David Fenwick found the site, identified the plants and took me there to see them.
07 October 2006
Category: Wild-growing plants and fungi of the British Isles
British Isles status: introduced before 1500 AD

Enquiry / feedback
Photographer: J R Crellin

About the picture:
07/10/2006 11:55:31
1/60 sec - F/16
Lens: 60mm f/2.8 D
Sensitivity: ISO 320
Depth of field: 0.01 m (0.21 - 0.21)
Light value: 12.2

My portfolio at Alamy

See more of these categories: Wild plants; Green; Intr. before 1500; Spurge family; South Devon; Flowering plants; Eu-dicots; Malpighiales; The plant kingdom; Annual; Mercurialis; Flower; Urban; Arable; Boundaries