Families of plants

Floral Images

(Vascular plants)
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Melastoma malabathricum to Pleroma urvilleaum Melastomataceae, Melastoma malabathricum to Melastomataceae, Pleroma urvilleaum
Musa acuminata to Musa x paradisiaca Musaceae, Musa acuminata to Musaceae, Musa x paradisiaca
Nephrolepis brownii to Nephrolepis cordifolia Nephrolepidaceae, Nephrolepis brownii to Nephrolepidaceae, Nephrolepis cordifolia
Peperomia polybotrya to Piper aduncum Piperaceae, Peperomia polybotrya to Piperaceae, Piper aduncum
The Adder's-tongue family, Ophioglossaceae
Botrychium lunaria to Ophioglossum vulgatum The Adder's-tongue family, Ophioglossaceae, Botrychium lunaria to The Adder's-tongue family, Ophioglossaceae, Ophioglossum vulgatum
The Arrowgrass family, Juncaginaceae
Triglochin maritima to Triglochin palustris The Arrowgrass family, Juncaginaceae, Triglochin maritima to The Arrowgrass family, Juncaginaceae, Triglochin palustris
The Arrowroot family, Marantaceae
Calathea lutea to Stromanthe thalia The Arrowroot family, Marantaceae, Calathea lutea to The Arrowroot family, Marantaceae, Stromanthe thalia
The Ash family, Oleaceae
Forsythia x intermedia to Ligustrum vulgare The Ash family, Oleaceae, Forsythia x intermedia to The Ash family, Oleaceae, Ligustrum vulgare
The Asparagus family, Asparagaceae
Agave parviflora to Ornithogalum umbellatum The Asparagus family, Asparagaceae, Agave parviflora to The Asparagus family, Asparagaceae, Ornithogalum umbellatum
Ornithogalum umbellatum to Yucca sp. The Asparagus family, Asparagaceae, Ornithogalum umbellatum to The Asparagus family, Asparagaceae, Yucca sp.
The Asphodel family, Asphodelaceae
Dianella ensifolia to Simethis mattiazzii The Asphodel family, Asphodelaceae, Dianella ensifolia to The Asphodel family, Asphodelaceae, Simethis mattiazzii
The Asphodel family, Xanthorrhoeaceae
Asphodelus albus to Phormium cookianum The Asphodel family, Xanthorrhoeaceae, Asphodelus albus to The Asphodel family, Xanthorrhoeaceae, Phormium cookianum
The Balsam family, Balsaminaceae
Impatiens glandulifera to Impatiens walleriana The Balsam family, Balsaminaceae, Impatiens glandulifera to The Balsam family, Balsaminaceae, Impatiens walleriana
The Barberry family, Berberidaceae
Berberis vulgaris to Mahonia x media The Barberry family, Berberidaceae, Berberis vulgaris to The Barberry family, Berberidaceae, Mahonia x media
The Bastard-toadflax family, Santalaceae
Thesium humifusum to Viscum album The Bastard-toadflax family, Santalaceae, Thesium humifusum to The Bastard-toadflax family, Santalaceae, Viscum album
The Bay tree family, Lauraceae
Ficaria verna to Laurus nobilis The Bay tree family, Lauraceae, Ficaria verna to The Bay tree family, Lauraceae, Laurus nobilis
The Bear's-breech family, Acanthaceae
Acanthus mollis to Thunbergia mysorensis The Bear's-breech family, Acanthaceae, Acanthus mollis to The Bear's-breech family, Acanthaceae, Thunbergia mysorensis
The Bedstraw family, Rubiaceae
Arachnothryx leucophylla to Sherardia arvensis The Bedstraw family, Rubiaceae, Arachnothryx leucophylla to The Bedstraw family, Rubiaceae, Sherardia arvensis
The Beech family, Fagaceae
Castanea sativa to Quercus x rosacea The Beech family, Fagaceae, Castanea sativa to The Beech family, Fagaceae, Quercus x rosacea
The Begonia family, Begoniaceae
Begonia heracleifolia to Begonia sp. The Begonia family, Begoniaceae, Begonia heracleifolia to The Begonia family, Begoniaceae, Begonia sp.
The Bellflower family, Campanulaceae
Campanula bononiensis to Wahlenbergia hederacea The Bellflower family, Campanulaceae, Campanula bononiensis to The Bellflower family, Campanulaceae, Wahlenbergia hederacea
The Bignonia family, Bignoniaceae
Bignonia magnifica to Radermachera yunnanensis The Bignonia family, Bignoniaceae, Bignonia magnifica to The Bignonia family, Bignoniaceae, Radermachera yunnanensis
The Bindweed family, Convolvulaceae
Calystegia pulchra to Ipomoea triloba The Bindweed family, Convolvulaceae, Calystegia pulchra to The Bindweed family, Convolvulaceae, Ipomoea triloba
The Birch family, Betulaceae
Alnus cordata to Corylus avellana The Birch family, Betulaceae, Alnus cordata to The Birch family, Betulaceae, Corylus avellana
The Bladder-fern family, Cystopteridaceae
Asplenium scolopendrium to Gymnocarpium robertianum The Bladder-fern family, Cystopteridaceae, Asplenium scolopendrium to The Bladder-fern family, Cystopteridaceae, Gymnocarpium robertianum
The Bladderwort family, Lentibulariaceae
Pinguicula grandiflora to Utricularia vulgaris The Bladderwort family, Lentibulariaceae, Pinguicula grandiflora to The Bladderwort family, Lentibulariaceae, Utricularia vulgaris
The Blinks family, Montiaceae
Claytonia perfoliata to Montia fontana The Blinks family, Montiaceae, Claytonia perfoliata to The Blinks family, Montiaceae, Montia fontana
The Bog Asphodel family, Nartheciaceae
Dactylorhiza spp. to Narthecium ossifragum The Bog Asphodel family, Nartheciaceae, Dactylorhiza spp. to The Bog Asphodel family, Nartheciaceae, Narthecium ossifragum
The Bogbean family, Menyanthaceae
Menyanthes trifoliata to Nymphoides peltata The Bogbean family, Menyanthaceae, Menyanthes trifoliata to The Bogbean family, Menyanthaceae, Nymphoides peltata
The Borage family, Boraginaceae
Aegonychon purpureocaeruleum to Pentaglottis sempervirens The Borage family, Boraginaceae, Aegonychon purpureocaeruleum to The Borage family, Boraginaceae, Pentaglottis sempervirens
Pentaglottis sempervirens to Symphytum x uplandicum The Borage family, Boraginaceae, Pentaglottis sempervirens to The Borage family, Boraginaceae, Symphytum x uplandicum
The Broomrape family, Orobanchaceae
Euphrasia to Rhinanthus alectorolophus The Broomrape family, Orobanchaceae, Euphrasia to The Broomrape family, Orobanchaceae, Rhinanthus alectorolophus
Rhinanthus alectorolophus to Rhinanthus minor The Broomrape family, Orobanchaceae, Rhinanthus alectorolophus to The Broomrape family, Orobanchaceae, Rhinanthus minor
The Buckler Fern family, Dryopteridaceae
Cyrtomium fortunei to Polystichum setiferum The Buckler Fern family, Dryopteridaceae, Cyrtomium fortunei to The Buckler Fern family, Dryopteridaceae, Polystichum setiferum
The Buckthorn family, Rhamnaceae
Ceanothus dentatus to Rhamnus cathartica The Buckthorn family, Rhamnaceae, Ceanothus dentatus to The Buckthorn family, Rhamnaceae, Rhamnus cathartica
The Bulrush family, Typhaceae
Sparganium angustifolium to Typha latifolia The Bulrush family, Typhaceae, Sparganium angustifolium to The Bulrush family, Typhaceae, Typha latifolia
The Buttercup family, Ranunculaceae
Aconitum napellus to Helleborus niger The Buttercup family, Ranunculaceae, Aconitum napellus to The Buttercup family, Ranunculaceae, Helleborus niger
Helleborus niger to Ranunculus sceleratus The Buttercup family, Ranunculaceae, Helleborus niger to The Buttercup family, Ranunculaceae, Ranunculus sceleratus
Ranunculus sceleratus to Trollius europaeus The Buttercup family, Ranunculaceae, Ranunculus sceleratus to The Buttercup family, Ranunculaceae, Trollius europaeus
The Cabbage family, Brassicaceae
Alliaria petiolata to Cochlearia anglica The Cabbage family, Brassicaceae, Alliaria petiolata to The Cabbage family, Brassicaceae, Cochlearia anglica
Cochlearia anglica to Isatis tinctoria The Cabbage family, Brassicaceae, Cochlearia anglica to The Cabbage family, Brassicaceae, Isatis tinctoria
Isatis tinctoria to Turritis glabra The Cabbage family, Brassicaceae, Isatis tinctoria to The Cabbage family, Brassicaceae, Turritis glabra
Turritis glabra to Turritis glabra The Cabbage family, Brassicaceae, Turritis glabra to The Cabbage family, Brassicaceae, Turritis glabra
The Cactus family, Cactaceae
Chamaecereus silvestri to Schlumbergera bridgesii The Cactus family, Cactaceae, Chamaecereus silvestri to The Cactus family, Cactaceae, Schlumbergera bridgesii
The Carrot family, Apiaceae
Aegopodium podagraria to Heracleum mantegazzianum The Carrot family, Apiaceae, Aegopodium podagraria to The Carrot family, Apiaceae, Heracleum mantegazzianum
Heracleum mantegazzianum to Trocdaris verticillata The Carrot family, Apiaceae, Heracleum mantegazzianum to The Carrot family, Apiaceae, Trocdaris verticillata
The Clubmoss family, Lycopodiaceae
Diphasiastrum alpinum to Lycopodium clavatum The Clubmoss family, Lycopodiaceae, Diphasiastrum alpinum to The Clubmoss family, Lycopodiaceae, Lycopodium clavatum
The Crane's-bill family, Geraniaceae
Erodium cicutarium to Geranium x oxonianum The Crane's-bill family, Geraniaceae, Erodium cicutarium to The Crane's-bill family, Geraniaceae, Geranium x oxonianum
The Daffodil family, Amaryllidaceae
Acis autumnalis to Leucojum aestivum The Daffodil family, Amaryllidaceae, Acis autumnalis to The Daffodil family, Amaryllidaceae, Leucojum aestivum
Leucojum aestivum to Zephyranthes candida The Daffodil family, Amaryllidaceae, Leucojum aestivum to The Daffodil family, Amaryllidaceae, Zephyranthes candida
The Daisy family, Asteraceae
Achillea millefolium to Callistephus chinensis The Daisy family, Asteraceae, Achillea millefolium to The Daisy family, Asteraceae, Callistephus chinensis
Carduus crispus to Cota tinctoria The Daisy family, Asteraceae, Carduus crispus to The Daisy family, Asteraceae, Cota tinctoria
Crassocephalum crepidioides to Galinsoga quadriradiata The Daisy family, asteraceae, Crassocephalum crepidioides to The Daisy family, asteraceae, Galinsoga quadriradiata
Galinsoga quadriradiata to Hieracium spp The Daisy family, Asteraceae, Galinsoga quadriradiata to The Daisy family, Asteraceae, Hieracium spp
Hieracium subbritannicum to Petasites japonicus The Daisy family, Asteraceae, Hieracium subbritannicum to The Daisy family, Asteraceae, Petasites japonicus
Petasites japonicus to Sonchus oleraceus The Daisy family, Asteraceae, Petasites japonicus to The Daisy family, Asteraceae, Sonchus oleraceus
Sonchus oleraceus to Tripleurospermum inodorum The Daisy family, Asteraceae, Sonchus oleraceus to The Daisy family, Asteraceae, Tripleurospermum inodorum
Tripleurospermum inodorum to Zinnia peruviana The Daisy family, Asteraceae, Tripleurospermum inodorum to The Daisy family, Asteraceae, Zinnia peruviana
The Dead-nettle family, Lamiaceae
Ajuga chamaepitys to Lavandula angustifolia The Dead-nettle family, Lamiaceae, Ajuga chamaepitys to The Dead-nettle family, Lamiaceae, Lavandula angustifolia
Lavandula angustifolia to Salvia verbenaca The Dead-nettle family, Lamiaceae, Lavandula angustifolia to The Dead-nettle family, Lamiaceae, Salvia verbenaca
Salvia verbenaca to Thymus pulegioides The Dead-nettle family, Lamiaceae, Salvia verbenaca to The Dead-nettle family, Lamiaceae, Thymus pulegioides
The Dewplant family, Aizoaceae
Carpobrotus edulis to Delosperma nubigenum The Dewplant family, Aizoaceae, Carpobrotus edulis to The Dewplant family, Aizoaceae, Delosperma nubigenum
The Dogwood family, Cornaceae
Cornus capitata to Hypopitys monotropa The Dogwood family, Cornaceae, Cornus capitata to The Dogwood family, Cornaceae, Hypopitys monotropa
The Elm family, Ulmaceae
Ulmus glabra to Ulmus procera The Elm family, Ulmaceae, Ulmus glabra to The Elm family, Ulmaceae, Ulmus procera
The Figwort family, Scrophulariaceae
Diascia barberae to Veronicastrum The Figwort family, Scrophulariaceae, Diascia barberae to The Figwort family, Scrophulariaceae, Veronicastrum
The Filmy-fern family, Hymenophyllaceae
Hymenophyllum spp. to Trichomanes speciosum The Filmy-fern family, Hymenophyllaceae, Hymenophyllum spp. to The Filmy-fern family, Hymenophyllaceae, Trichomanes speciosum
The Flax family, Linaceae
Linum catharticum to Linum usitatissimum The Flax family, Linaceae, Linum catharticum to The Flax family, Linaceae, Linum usitatissimum
The Frogbit family, Hydrocharitaceae
Hydrocharis morsus-ranae to Lagarosiphon major The Frogbit family, Hydrocharitaceae, Hydrocharis morsus-ranae to The Frogbit family, Hydrocharitaceae, Lagarosiphon major
The Gentian family, Gentianaceae
Blackstonia perfoliata to Gentianella germanica The Gentian family, Gentianaceae, Blackstonia perfoliata to The Gentian family, Gentianaceae, Gentianella germanica
The Gooseberry family, Grossulariaceae
Ribes nigrum to Ribes uva-crispa The Gooseberry family, Grossulariaceae, Ribes nigrum to The Gooseberry family, Grossulariaceae, Ribes uva-crispa
The Grass family, Poaceae
Agrostis capillaris to Dactyloctenium sp. The Grass family, Poaceae, Agrostis capillaris to The Grass family, Poaceae, Dactyloctenium sp.
Danthonia decumbens to Lolium perenne The Grass family, Poaceae, Danthonia decumbens to The Grass family, Poaceae, Lolium perenne
Lolium perenne to Vulpia fasciculata The Grass family, Poaceae, Lolium perenne to The Grass family, Poaceae, Vulpia fasciculata
The Heather family, Ericaceae
Andromeda polifolia to Rhododendron cinnibarinum The Heather family, Ericaceae, Andromeda polifolia to The Heather family, Ericaceae, Rhododendron cinnibarinum
Rhododendron ferrugineum to Vaccinium vitis-idaea The Heather family, Ericaceae, Rhododendron ferrugineum to The Heather family, Ericaceae, Vaccinium vitis-idaea
The Heliconia family, Heliconiaceae
Heliconia monteverdensis to Heliconia rostrata The Heliconia family, Heliconiaceae, Heliconia monteverdensis to The Heliconia family, Heliconiaceae, Heliconia rostrata
The Honeysuckle family, Caprifoliaceae
Leycesteria formosa to Symphoricarpos albus The Honeysuckle family, Caprifoliaceae, Leycesteria formosa to The Honeysuckle family, Caprifoliaceae, Symphoricarpos albus
The Horsetails family, Equisetaceae
Equisetum arvense to Equisetum variegatum The Horsetails family, Equisetaceae, Equisetum arvense to The Horsetails family, Equisetaceae, Equisetum variegatum
The Iris family, Iridaceae
Crocosmia to Gladiolus illyricus The Iris family, Iridaceae, Crocosmia to The Iris family, Iridaceae, Gladiolus illyricus
Gladiolus illyricus to Sisyrinchium montanum The Iris family, Iridaceae, Gladiolus illyricus to The Iris family, Iridaceae, Sisyrinchium montanum
The Ivy family, Araliaceae
Fatsia japonica to Polyscias guilfoylei The Ivy family, Araliaceae, Fatsia japonica to The Ivy family, Araliaceae, Polyscias guilfoylei
The Jacob's-ladder family, Polemoniaceae
Polemonium caeruleum to Polemonium pauciflorum The Jacob's-ladder family, Polemoniaceae, Polemonium caeruleum to The Jacob's-ladder family, Polemoniaceae, Polemonium pauciflorum
The Juniper family, Cupressaceae
Calocedrus decurrens to Thuja plicata The Juniper family, Cupressaceae, Calocedrus decurrens to The Juniper family, Cupressaceae, Thuja plicata
The Knotweed family, Polygonaceae
Antigonon leptopus to Rumex hydrolapathum The Knotweed family, Polygonaceae, Antigonon leptopus to The Knotweed family, Polygonaceae, Rumex hydrolapathum
Rumex hydrolapathum to Rumex scutatus The Knotweed family, Polygonaceae, Rumex hydrolapathum to The Knotweed family, Polygonaceae, Rumex scutatus
The Lady-fern family, Athyriaceae
Athyrium filix-femina to Deparia petersenii The Lady-fern family, Athyriaceae, Athyrium filix-femina to The Lady-fern family, Athyriaceae, Deparia petersenii
The Lesser Clubmoss family, Selaginellaceae
Selaginella selaginoides to Selaginella willdenowii The Lesser Clubmoss family, Selaginellaceae, Selaginella selaginoides to The Lesser Clubmoss family, Selaginellaceae, Selaginella willdenowii
The Lily family, Liliaceae
Arthropodium candidum to Tulipa sylvestris The Lily family, Liliaceae, Arthropodium candidum to The Lily family, Liliaceae, Tulipa sylvestris
Tulipa sylvestris to Tulipa turkestanica The Lily family, Liliaceae, Tulipa sylvestris to The Lily family, Liliaceae, Tulipa turkestanica
The Lopseed family, Phrymaceae
Erythranthe guttata to Erythranthe x robertsii The Lopseed family, Phrymaceae, Erythranthe guttata to The Lopseed family, Phrymaceae, Erythranthe x robertsii
The Lords-and-Ladies family, Araceae
Aglaonema commutatum to Zantedeschia aethiopica The Lords-and-Ladies family, Araceae, Aglaonema commutatum to The Lords-and-Ladies family, Araceae, Zantedeschia aethiopica
Zantedeschia aethiopica to Zantedeschia sp. The Lords-and-Ladies family, Araceae, Zantedeschia aethiopica to The Lords-and-Ladies family, Araceae, Zantedeschia sp.
The Mallow family, Malvaceae
Abelmoschus esculentus to Tilia sp. The Mallow family, Malvaceae, Abelmoschus esculentus to The Mallow family, Malvaceae, Tilia sp.
Tilia x europaea to Urena lobata The Mallow family, Malvaceae, Tilia x europaea to The Mallow family, Malvaceae, Urena lobata
The Marsh Fern family, Thelypteridaceae
Oreopteris limbosperma to Thelypteris palustris The Marsh Fern family, Thelypteridaceae, Oreopteris limbosperma to The Marsh Fern family, Thelypteridaceae, Thelypteris palustris
The Meadow Saffron family, Colchicaceae
Colchicum to Colchicum autumnale The Meadow Saffron family, Colchicaceae, Colchicum to The Meadow Saffron family, Colchicaceae, Colchicum autumnale
The Mezereon family, Thymelaeaceae
Daphne cneorum to Daphne mezereum The Mezereon family, Thymelaeaceae, Daphne cneorum to The Mezereon family, Thymelaeaceae, Daphne mezereum
The Mignonette family, Resedaceae
Reseda lutea to Reseda luteola The Mignonette family, Resedaceae, Reseda lutea to The Mignonette family, Resedaceae, Reseda luteola
The Milkwort family, Polygalaceae
Polygala calcarea to Polygala vulgaris The Milkwort family, Polygalaceae, Polygala calcarea to The Milkwort family, Polygalaceae, Polygala vulgaris
The Mock-orange family, Hydrangeaceae
Hydrangea macrophylla to Philadelphus coronarius The Mock-orange family, Hydrangeaceae, Hydrangea macrophylla to The Mock-orange family, Hydrangeaceae, Philadelphus coronarius
The Monkey-puzzle family, Araucariaceae
Araucaria araucana to Wollemia nobilis The Monkey-puzzle family, Araucariaceae, Araucaria araucana to The Monkey-puzzle family, Araucariaceae, Wollemia nobilis
The Moschatel family, Adoxaceae
Adoxa moschatellina to Viburnum x bodnantense The Moschatel family, Adoxaceae, Adoxa moschatellina to The Moschatel family, Adoxaceae, Viburnum x bodnantense
The Mulberry family, Moraceae
Artocarpus odoratissimus to Morus nigra The Mulberry family, Moraceae, Artocarpus odoratissimus to The Mulberry family, Moraceae, Morus nigra
The Myrtle family, Myrtaceae
Chamelaucium uncinatum to Psidium guajava The Myrtle family, Myrtaceae, Chamelaucium uncinatum to The Myrtle family, Myrtaceae, Psidium guajava
The Nettle family, Urticaceae
Parietaria judaica to Urtica urens The Nettle family, Urticaceae, Parietaria judaica to The Nettle family, Urticaceae, Urtica urens
The Nightshade family, Solanaceae
Atropa belladonna to Solanum nitidibaccatum The Nightshade family, Solanaceae, Atropa belladonna to The Nightshade family, Solanaceae, Solanum nitidibaccatum
The Orchid family, Orchidaceae
Anacamptis morio to Epipactis helleborine The Orchid family, Orchidaceae, Anacamptis morio to The Orchid family, Orchidaceae, Epipactis helleborine
Epipactis helleborine to Orchid 'Butterfly Wings' The Orchid family, Orchidaceae, Epipactis helleborine to The Orchid family, Orchidaceae, Orchid 'Butterfly Wings'
Orchid 'Butterfly Wings' to X Pseudadenia schweinfurthii The Orchid family, Orchidaceae, Orchid 'Butterfly Wings' to The Orchid family, Orchidaceae, X Pseudadenia schweinfurthii
The Palm family, Arecaceae
Bismarckia nobilis to Trachycarpus fortunei The Palm family, Arecaceae, Bismarckia nobilis to The Palm family, Arecaceae, Trachycarpus fortunei
The Passion-flower family, Passifloraceae
Passiflora caerulea to Passiflora capsularis The Passion-flower family, Passifloraceae, Passiflora caerulea to The Passion-flower family, Passifloraceae, Passiflora capsularis
The Pea family, Fabaceae
Acacia mearnsii to Genista anglica The Pea family, Fabaceae, Acacia mearnsii to The Pea family, Fabaceae, Genista anglica
Genista anglica to Lupinus polyphyllus The Pea family, Fabaceae, Genista anglica to The Pea family, Fabaceae, Lupinus polyphyllus
Macroptilium atropurpureum to Stylosanthes guianensis The Pea family, Fabaceae, Macroptilium atropurpureum to The Pea family, Fabaceae, Stylosanthes guianensis
Tephrosia noctiflora to Vicia villosa The Pea family, Fabaceae, Tephrosia noctiflora to The Pea family, Fabaceae, Vicia villosa
The Periwinkle family, Apocynaceae
Adenium obesum to Vincetoxicum hirundinaria The Periwinkle family, Apocynaceae, Adenium obesum to The Periwinkle family, Apocynaceae, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria
The Pigweed family, Amaranthaceae
Alternanthera brasiliana to Salicornia ramosissima The Pigweed family, Amaranthaceae, Alternanthera brasiliana to The Pigweed family, Amaranthaceae, Salicornia ramosissima
Salsola kali to Suaeda maritima The Pigweed family, Amaranthaceae, Salsola kali to The Pigweed family, Amaranthaceae, Suaeda maritima
The Pine family, Pinaceae
Abies alba to Pseudotsuga menziesii The Pine family, Pinaceae, Abies alba to The Pine family, Pinaceae, Pseudotsuga menziesii
The Pink family, Caryophyllaceae
Agrostemma githago to Moehringia trinervia The Pink family, Caryophyllaceae, Agrostemma githago to The Pink family, Caryophyllaceae, Moehringia trinervia
Moehringia trinervia to Silene viscaria The Pink family, Caryophyllaceae, Moehringia trinervia to The Pink family, Caryophyllaceae, Silene viscaria
Silene viscaria to Stellaria palustris The Pink family, Caryophyllaceae, Silene viscaria to The Pink family, Caryophyllaceae, Stellaria palustris
The Plane family, Platanaceae
Platanus orientalis to Platanus x hispanica The Plane family, Platanaceae, Platanus orientalis to The Plane family, Platanaceae, Platanus x hispanica
The Plantain family, Plantaginaceae
Littorella uniflora to Plantago media The Plantain family, Plantaginaceae, Littorella uniflora to The Plantain family, Plantaginaceae, Plantago media
The Polypody family, Polypodiaceae
Campyloneurum angustifolium to Polypodium vulgare sens. lat. The Polypody family, Polypodiaceae, Campyloneurum angustifolium to The Polypody family, Polypodiaceae, Polypodium vulgare sens. lat.
The Pondweed family, Potamogetonaceae
Potamogeton coloratus to Zannichellia palustris The Pondweed family, Potamogetonaceae, Potamogeton coloratus to The Pondweed family, Potamogetonaceae, Zannichellia palustris
The Poppy family, Papaveraceae
Argemone subfusiformis to Pseudofumaria lutea The Poppy family, Papaveraceae, Argemone subfusiformis to The Poppy family, Papaveraceae, Pseudofumaria lutea
The Pride-of-India family, Sapindaceae
Acer campestre to Dimocarpus longan The Pride-of-India family, Sapindaceae, Acer campestre to The Pride-of-India family, Sapindaceae, Dimocarpus longan
The Primrose family, Primulaceae
Androsace villosa to Soldanella alpina The Primrose family, Primulaceae, Androsace villosa to The Primrose family, Primulaceae, Soldanella alpina
The Protea family, Proteaceae
Banksia blechnifolia to Protea cynaroides The Protea family, Proteaceae, Banksia blechnifolia to The Protea family, Proteaceae, Protea cynaroides
The Purple-loosestrife family, Lythraceae
Cuphea carthagenensis to Sonneratia caseolaris The Purple-loosestrife family, Lythraceae, Cuphea carthagenensis to The Purple-loosestrife family, Lythraceae, Sonneratia caseolaris
The Pyrenean-violet family, Gesneriaceae
Episcia cupreata to Streptocarpus saxorum The Pyrenean-violet family, Gesneriaceae, Episcia cupreata to The Pyrenean-violet family, Gesneriaceae, Streptocarpus saxorum
The Quillwort family, Isoetaceae
Isoetes echinospora to Isoetes lacustris The Quillwort family, Isoetaceae, Isoetes echinospora to The Quillwort family, Isoetaceae, Isoetes lacustris
The Rhodostachys family, Bromeliaceae
Aechmea caudata to Vriesea sp. The Rhodostachys family, Bromeliaceae, Aechmea caudata to The Rhodostachys family, Bromeliaceae, Vriesea sp.
The Ribbon Fern family, Pteridaceae
Adiantum capillus-veneris to Cryptogramma crispa The Ribbon Fern family, Pteridaceae, Adiantum capillus-veneris to The Ribbon Fern family, Pteridaceae, Cryptogramma crispa
The Rock-rose family, Cistaceae
Cistus to Tuberaria guttata The Rock-rose family, Cistaceae, Cistus to The Rock-rose family, Cistaceae, Tuberaria guttata
The Rose family, Rosaceae
Acaena ovalifolia to Cydonia oblonga The Rose family, Rosaceae, Acaena ovalifolia to The Rose family, Rosaceae, Cydonia oblonga
Cydonia oblonga to Prunus avium The Rose family, Rosaceae, Cydonia oblonga to The Rose family, Rosaceae, Prunus avium
Prunus avium to Rubus ariconiensis The Rose family, Rosaceae, Prunus avium to The Rose family, Rosaceae, Rubus ariconiensis
Rubus ariconiensis to Sorbus aria The Rose family, Rosaceae, Rubus ariconiensis to The Rose family, Rosaceae, Sorbus aria
Sorbus aria to Spiraea x rosalba The Rose family, Rosaceae, Sorbus aria to The Rose family, Rosaceae, Spiraea x rosalba
The Rush family, Juncaceae
Juncus acutiflorus to Luzula sylvatica The Rush family, Juncaceae, Juncus acutiflorus to The Rush family, Juncaceae, Luzula sylvatica
The Saxifrage family, Saxifragaceae
Bergenia crassifolia to Tellima grandiflora The Saxifrage family, Saxifragaceae, Bergenia crassifolia to The Saxifrage family, Saxifragaceae, Tellima grandiflora
The Scottish Asphodel family, Tofieldiaceae
Tofieldia pusilla to Triglochin palustris The Scottish Asphodel family, Tofieldiaceae, Tofieldia pusilla to The Scottish Asphodel family, Tofieldiaceae, Triglochin palustris
The Sedge family, Cyperaceae
Blysmus compressus to Carex nigra agg. The Sedge family, Cyperaceae, Blysmus compressus to The Sedge family, Cyperaceae, Carex nigra agg.
Carex nigra agg. to Eleocharis acicularis The Sedge family, Cyperaceae, Carex nigra agg. to The Sedge family, Cyperaceae, Eleocharis acicularis
Eleocharis acicularis to Trichophorum germanicum The Sedge family, Cyperaceae, Eleocharis acicularis to The Sedge family, Cyperaceae, Trichophorum germanicum
The Speedwell family, Veronicaceae
Antirrhinum majus to Veronica chamaedrys The Speedwell family, Veronicaceae, Antirrhinum majus to The Speedwell family, Veronicaceae, Veronica chamaedrys
Veronica chamaedrys to Veronica spicata The Speedwell family, Veronicaceae, Veronica chamaedrys to The Speedwell family, Veronicaceae, Veronica spicata
The Spiderflower family, Cleomaceae
Cleome rutidosperma to Cleome viscosa The Spiderflower family, Cleomaceae, Cleome rutidosperma to The Spiderflower family, Cleomaceae, Cleome viscosa
The Spiderwort family, Commelinaceae
Commelina benghalensis to Tradescantia spathacea The Spiderwort family, Commelinaceae, Commelina benghalensis to The Spiderwort family, Commelinaceae, Tradescantia spathacea
The Spindle family, Celastraceae
Euonymus europaeus to Euonymus japonicus The Spindle family, Celastraceae, Euonymus europaeus to The Spindle family, Celastraceae, Euonymus japonicus
The Spiral Ginger family, Costaceae
Costus guanaiensis to Hellenia speciosa The Spiral Ginger family, Costaceae, Costus guanaiensis to The Spiral Ginger family, Costaceae, Hellenia speciosa
The Spleenwort family, Aspleniaceae
Asplenium adiantum-nigrum to Blechnum orientale The Spleenwort family, Aspleniaceae, Asplenium adiantum-nigrum to The Spleenwort family, Aspleniaceae, Blechnum orientale
The Spurge family, Euphorbiaceae
Acalypha wilkesiana to Hevea brasiliensis The Spurge family, Euphorbiaceae, Acalypha wilkesiana to The Spurge family, Euphorbiaceae, Hevea brasiliensis
Jatropha gossypiifolia to Ricinus communis The Spurge family, Euphorbiaceae, Jatropha gossypiifolia to The Spurge family, Euphorbiaceae, Ricinus communis
The St John's-wort family, Hypericaceae
Hypericum to Hypericum x inodorum The St John's-wort family, Hypericaceae, Hypericum to The St John's-wort family, Hypericaceae, Hypericum x inodorum
The Stonecrop family, Crassulaceae
Crassula helmsii to Umbilicus rupestris The Stonecrop family, Crassulaceae, Crassula helmsii to The Stonecrop family, Crassulaceae, Umbilicus rupestris
The Stonewort family, Characeae
Chara aspera to Tolypella glomerata The Stonewort family, Characeae, Chara aspera to The Stonewort family, Characeae, Tolypella glomerata
The Sundew family, Droseraceae
Drosera to Drosera rotundifolia The Sundew family, Droseraceae, Drosera to The Sundew family, Droseraceae, Drosera rotundifolia
The Tea family, Theaceae
Camellia to Camellia japonica The Tea family, Theaceae, Camellia to The Tea family, Theaceae, Camellia japonica
The Teasel family, Dipsacaceae
Dipsacus fullonum to Succisa pratensis The Teasel family, Dipsacaceae, Dipsacus fullonum to The Teasel family, Dipsacaceae, Succisa pratensis
The Thrift family, Plumbaginaceae
Armeria maritima to Plumbago auriculata The Thrift family, Plumbaginaceae, Armeria maritima to The Thrift family, Plumbaginaceae, Plumbago auriculata
The Tropical Pitcher Plant family, Nepenthaceae
Nepenthes spp. to Nepenthes truncata The Tropical Pitcher Plant family, Nepenthaceae, Nepenthes spp. to The Tropical Pitcher Plant family, Nepenthaceae, Nepenthes truncata
The Tulip-tree family, Magnoliaceae
Liriodendron tulipifera to Magnolia x soulangeana The Tulip-tree family, Magnoliaceae, Liriodendron tulipifera to The Tulip-tree family, Magnoliaceae, Magnolia x soulangeana
The Valerian family, Valerianaceae
Centranthus ruber to Valerianella sp. The Valerian family, Valerianaceae, Centranthus ruber to The Valerian family, Valerianaceae, Valerianella sp.
The Vervain family, Verbenaceae
Duranta erecta to Verbena officinalis The Vervain family, Verbenaceae, Duranta erecta to The Vervain family, Verbenaceae, Verbena officinalis
The Violet family, Violaceae
Viola arvensis to Viola x wittrockiana The Violet family, Violaceae, Viola arvensis to The Violet family, Violaceae, Viola x wittrockiana
The Water-lily family, Nymphaeaceae
Nuphar lutea to Nymphaea x marliacea The Water-lily family, Nymphaeaceae, Nuphar lutea to The Water-lily family, Nymphaeaceae, Nymphaea x marliacea
The Water-milfoil family, Haloragaceae
Crataegus rhipidophylla to Myriophyllum spicatum The Water-milfoil family, Haloragaceae, Crataegus rhipidophylla to The Water-milfoil family, Haloragaceae, Myriophyllum spicatum
The Water-plantain family, Alismataceae
Alisma lanceolatum to Sagittaria sagittifolia The Water-plantain family, Alismataceae, Alisma lanceolatum to The Water-plantain family, Alismataceae, Sagittaria sagittifolia
The Water-starwort family, Callitrichaceae
Callitriche brutia to Callitriche stagnalis The Water-starwort family, Callitrichaceae, Callitriche brutia to The Water-starwort family, Callitrichaceae, Callitriche stagnalis
The White Bryony family, Cucurbitaceae
Bryonia dioica to Sicyos edulis The White Bryony family, Cucurbitaceae, Bryonia dioica to The White Bryony family, Cucurbitaceae, Sicyos edulis
The White Mangrove family, Combretaceae
Combretum indicum to Terminalia catappa The White Mangrove family, Combretaceae, Combretum indicum to The White Mangrove family, Combretaceae, Terminalia catappa
The Willow family, Salicaceae
Populus nigra to Salix x meyeriana The Willow family, Salicaceae, Populus nigra to The Willow family, Salicaceae, Salix x meyeriana
The Willowherb family, Onagraceae
Chamaenerion angustifolium to Oenothera stricta The Willowherb family, Onagraceae, Chamaenerion angustifolium to The Willowherb family, Onagraceae, Oenothera stricta
The Woodlsia family, Woodsiaceae
Athyrium nipponicum to Gymnocarpium robertianum The Woodlsia family, Woodsiaceae, Athyrium nipponicum to The Woodlsia family, Woodsiaceae, Gymnocarpium robertianum
The Wood-sorrel family, Oxalidaceae
Oxalis acetosella to Oxalis incarnata The Wood-sorrel family, Oxalidaceae, Oxalis acetosella to The Wood-sorrel family, Oxalidaceae, Oxalis incarnata