Lythrum salicaria, 2 of 19

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Lythrum salicaria
This picture shows: flower, stigma, style   Buy picture at Alamy
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Eu-dicots (True dicotyledons)
Family: Lythraceae
Wye bank at Capler Wood.
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This species is trimorphic - the stamens and stigma can each be at three different levels (or lengths) - whichever the stigma is then the stamens adopt the other two positions. Here is a long style / stigma plant. The lower stamens are buried deep in the flower.
Alternate arrangement (medium style)
Alternate arrangement (short style)
28 July 2010
Category: Wild-growing plants and fungi of the British Isles
British Isles status: native

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Photographer: J R Crellin

About the picture:
28/07/2010 10:43:05
1/60 sec - F/11
Lens: 105mm f/2.8 G VR
Sensitivity: ISO 800
Exp. compensation: -1.1 EV
Depth of field: 0.01 m (0.39 - 0.40)
Light value: 9.8

My portfolio at Alamy

See more of these categories: Wild plants; Native plants; Purple-loosestrife family; Herefordshire; Style; Gallery; Flowering plants; Eu-dicots; Myrtales; The plant kingdom; Perennial; Lythrum; Stigma; Flower; Marsh