Marsh Fritillary |
Insecta (Insects)
Lepidoptera |
Euphydryas aurinia |
Family: Nymphalidae |
Cae Blaen Dyffryn Plantlife Reserve. View location
Taken during a BSBI field meeting and I am indebted to Ray Woods for identification of this. |
19 June 2010 |
Category: The animal kingdom |
Enquiry / feedback |
J R Crellin |
About the picture: NIKON D700 19/06/2010 15:18:35 1/100 sec - F/32 Lens: 105mm f/2.8 G VR Sensitivity: ISO 400 Exp. compensation: -0.7 EV Depth of field: 0.05 m (0.57 - 0.62) Light value: 14.6
FloralImages  Protected by a Creative Commons Licence. |