Chenopodium vulvaria, 1 of 10

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Chenopodium vulvaria
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Stinking Goosefoot

Eu-dicots (True dicotyledons)
Family: Pigweed family
Amaranthaceae (was Chenopodiaceae)
By Cliffe Pools Nature Reserve, near Cliffe

Lliam comments: "It is found in similar locations as C. glaucum and indeed with it also as it favours open disturbed ground, especially next to trackways. It also seems to be associated with rabbit droppings and they keep the plants very small and prostrated. A hard plant to find but easy to identify as it really does smell absolutely revolting!!"
28 August 2012
Category: Wild-growing plants and fungi of the British Isles
British Isles status: introduced before 1500 AD

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Photographer: Lliam Rooney

About the picture:
28/08/2012 16:52:08
1/250 sec - F/16
Lens: 105mm f/2.8 D
Sensitivity: ISO 400
Depth of field: 0.01 m (0.42 - 0.43)
Light value: 14.0
Flash used

My portfolio at Alamy

See more of these categories: Wild plants; Intr. before 1500; Pigweed family; West Kent; Plant; Guests; Flowering plants; Eu-dicots; Caryophyllales; The plant kingdom; Annual; Chenopodium; Inflorescence; Flower; Supralittoral sediment; Supralittoral rock